Mimir Human Factors exists to meet the growing demand for human factors in both industry and government.
We endeavour to grow into areas which, until now, have not benefitted from the application of human factors. These include safety critical industries, such as: agriculture and construction.
Our focus is to ensure value for money in the development, test and assurance of sociotechnical systems to provide safe and effective systems for end users.
Considering the human element of a system at the early stages of development, is proven to reduce through life costs of a project.
Whether we are included early or later in a project, we will work with you to define your engineering and organisational challenges and requirements, and move forward to applying practical solutions.
UK based, internationally available.
At the core of our offering is the knowledge and skills of our people. We are constantly looking to learn and improve where we can, and share best practice with others. We only take on work for which we have suitably qualified and experienced personnel to conduct it.
Whether it's adapting quickly to new and unexpected challenges or adopting agile working practices, we are an organisation that can react quickly to, and anticipate, our customers needs.
We pride ourselves on actively seeking solutions and developing action plans for the challenges that we face in conducting our work, and in meeting the requirements of end users.
We are sustainable in terms of the environment and our workforce. Demand for human factors is greater than ever before, and there is a limited number of skilled human factors practitioners. We are committed to ensuring staff wellbeing through sustainable workloads, commensurate remuneration and an open and just organisational culture.